Owner WiFi - Q&A’s 

Q. What benefits does the DTV facility offer to me?

A.  A professional and bespoke service that gives you a super-fast speed to be able to use multiple devices.

Q. What are the costs?

A. The installation is £199 and then a monthly fee of £19.99

Q. What do those costs cover?

A.  As shown above, but with full security cover and an excellent fault support system.

Q. What is the length of the contract and can I cancel the service? 

A. The original contract is for twelve months and after that, you can cancel by giving three months notice.

Q. Does the park make any money by introducing LPIS to us, or in ongoing charges?

A. No!! Our aim is to provide a solution to our owners, at the least cost available.

Q. Where do we go for help?

A. You will have a dedicated number and email to ensure you obtain a speedy resolution to any problems.